Thursday, June 18, 2009

Possible causes for a disappearence in midfight

On Monday, June 1, 2009, we were all shocked to hear information about an aircraft disappearance after only 4 hours of flight (Rio de Janeiro - Paris/No 447). The radar lost all signs of the plane and no one has heard anything since. Family members were informed hours later and at this time no one had concrete information of what had happened to the flight. Fourteen minutes after the captain reported 'some' turbulence, 10 automatic signal about airplane malfunction were sent, and people feared the worse. This tragedy is considered one of the worse tragedy since 2001, bodies and pieces of the aircraft have been recovered and the search for an answer continues. We all want to know what happened and several scenarios are being studied on how the aircraft was lost from the radar and disappear.
According to a short report on ABC news about the different possibilities for an airplane crash, they mentioned that lightning cannot cause a dramatic damage to take the airplane down. One expert explains that airplanes are designed in a such a way that when lightning hits the plane, it flows around the skin of the plane. Lightning can hit a commercial flight (in general) only once a year leaving little to no damage. In the case of flight 447 (Air France), this cause has not been consider as a major reason for the plane disappearance.
This video also talks about other possible causes for a plane to disappear from the map, such as problems inside the plane, plane malfunction and problems in the cabin (fire, electrical problems, metal fatigue and corrosion can be also considered). Turbulence can also create problems, but according to experts it cannot break up a plane. Only 6% of crashes occur in mid flight, but 94% occur during take-off and landing because more complicated procedures are performed.
It is possible that the combination of storms and electrical problems played a major role, but lightning along does not seem to be 'the cause' of the aircraft's disappearance. The experts involved are studying the sophisticated flight control system and hope find the black boxes and digital flight-data to piece together the last minutes of the aircraft. We can only hope that all the work doing by searchers from three continents involve will give the victims' families some answers. Several memorial have already taken place and one more memorial service has been schedule on Sunday, June 21. Tragedies like this one really touch our hearts.

Why did the flight 447 disappear?

Monday, January 26, 2009

El horror de ser secuestrado

Hace varios días la palabra "kidnapping" (secuestro), no me ponía nerviosa como ahora. Creo que anteriormente, no había pensado en la idea de como uno debe de sentirse en un caso parecido. Normalmente cada vez que hacemos nuevos amigos (o hasta nuestros viejos amigos), les preguntamos si tienen facebook, y si no lo tienen los invitamos a que se unan a este servicio. Sin embargo, hace varios días hablando con una amiga Mejicana me comentó de los secuestros que 'aparentemente estan ligados' con facebook en Mexico. Yo hice mi propia investigación en cuanto al tema, tipiando "facebook y secuestros mejicanos" (facebook and mexican kidnappings) y toda una lista de temas aparecen. Poco a poco, al leer estos artículos me di cuenta de la incertidumbre que los cuidadanos mejicanos viven cada día. Aunque ninguno de los artículos realmente asocia los secuestros con facebook, si se menciona que la información que ponemos en nuestro profil (profile) puede ser usada por personas de mala fe. No tan solo eso, pero si tipiamos las palabras "facebook y secuestros" (facebook and kidnappings), usted encontrara una serie de temas indicando como terroristas utilizan los servicios de facebook para establecer contacto con soldados israelitas para aprender de ellos y tener encuentros personales que terminan en secuestros.
La verdad es que al leer cada uno de esos artículos me di cuenta de como nosotros inocentemente podemos dar pistas y hasta dar información completa de nuestras vidas a desconocidos. Es verdad que facebook tiene un servicio de privacidad (privacy settings), pero si nosotros mismos nos encargamos de poner información en cuanto a donde vivimos, donde trabajamos y mucho más, estamos ayudando a 'nuestros posibles victimarios' a tener un libre acceso a nuestras vidas. La historia de varios mejicanos me chocó, los hijos de altos funcionarios y magnates de Mexico, son secuestrados y luego muertos, aún cuando las familias han pagado el suma de rescate (ransom). Fernando Marti and Sylvia Vargas, son una de las cuantas víctimas de secuestros, y lo peor de todo es que las familias han pagado por el rescate y secretamente contactado las autoridades, pero los jóvenes han sido asesinados. Al parecer, funcionarios de la policía estan involucrados en estos actos escandalosos y el pueblo mejicano teme alertar a las autoridades, cuando ellos saben que un miembro de la familia es secuestrado, por temor a la muerte.
Aún hay más, ya que los secuestrados sufren mucho durante este proceso. Ellos son mutilados para poner presión a la familia para que pagen el rescate, así que, si el miembro secuestrado llega a sobrevivir, un mal recuerdo los acompañara--la mutilación de su cuerpo.
Es una tragedia saber que hoy en día vivimos en un mundo que nos aterroriza cada vez más. En realidad, nosotros podemos hacer algo y eso es tener cuidado en el tipo de información que cambiamos en la net, uno nunca sabe en manos de quien caerán. Hay que recordar que estas personas no tienen consideración alguna; los secuestros hoy en día no solo van para los ricos pero tambien a los pobres. En ciertos casos el rescate llega a un mínimo de $500, y aunque parezca pequeña la cantidad para quienes no tienen los medios es una fortuna. Según CNN , indica que un 76% de secuestros fue el augmento entre los primeros meses del 2008 comparados a esos del 2007; lo cual indica que la situación ha empeorado drasticamente. Hay varios factores causante de tales problemas, y bueno enumerarlos sería demasiado.
Hay que señalar que Mexico no es el único país donde los secuestros estan en auge, paises como Colombia y Venezuela estan enumerados. Recientemente ha salido una aparente solución para encontrar a los individuos secuestrados, y esto son los chips localizadores. Vale remarcar que no es tan fácil obtener uno, un chip tiene un valor de $4,000, aparte de los $2,200 a pagar como quota. Este chip es injectado entre la piel y el músculo en cualquier parte del cuerpo y viene con una clase se llave a apretar una vez que uno se encuentra en peligro. Yo realmente no se cuan eficiente esto pueda ser. Hay que ser realistas, ya que en un momento de pánico no tendremos tiempo de activar ese chip, esto es si tenemos tiempo. No sabemos si los secuestradores nos van dar tiempo a actuar, mas aún a apretar un boton en la mas mínima discreción. No tan solo eso, pero quien nos asegura que los secuestradores, no nos preguntaran para asegurarse que no estan siendo seguidos por el chip, y claro no lo puede subtraer, pero si nos pueden hacer dano por habernos implantado uno. Creo que han mucho en que pensar cuando se requiere a seguridad.
Hay que mantenernos alerta y vigilantes, ya que lastimosamente hoy en dia vivimos en una sociedad llena de barbaridades, y no importa nuestra condición social, raza, o color. Al final de este blog, usted encontrara links lo llevaran a temas de secuestros y las historias de varias victimas.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Foreign Languages: can I do it?

Today, on 'ARTE' (french TV Channel), foreign languages were one of the main focus. I was pleased to learn about "polyglot", which is a site where people can learn and practice a foreign language while making new friends. Normally people meet in public places all around Paris and exchange thoughts with others. I found it to be a great idea because learning a new language is never easy and it can be stressful for some people. Polyglot has found a fun way to get rid off people's fear about learning a new language. French people aren't great at learning English and everywhere you go, you find ads like "do you speak English? Wall Street English", or "Arrêter de massacrer l'anglais"(Telelangue)*, which I assume some people have seen on TV, and it is quit amusing. For french people learning a new language is very important, although some can tell you they aren't good at it, but they are making an effort.
The importance of learning a new language was my first topic on this blog last year because I think we are living in a new global era where languages are becoming part of our daily lives. Globalization and internationalism are the main points in the United States and Europe and for us to fit in, we must make it through this world with some knowledge of a second language. So yes, I think is fair to say that over the years leaning foreign languages has become more and more popular. If we compare the amount of students that learned foreign languages in States Universities, during fall 1996 (4,863) and fall 2006 (8,048) we have a 65% increase. This indicates how the demand of foreign languages have changed over time. However, accoring to Leon E. Panetta, this isn't enough. In a paper by Panetta a member of the Comission on Foreign Languages and International Studies, he criticizes "Americans' incompetence in foreign languages". Panetta disapprove of the fact that elementary schools aren't teaching our young kids languages and when they reach a higher level of education they don't see the importance of learning a foreign language.
We all need to do our part, and make an effort to learn a foreign language. The positive effects of learning a new language aren't only social, but also healthy. Your brain needs some sort of stimulation, and learning a foreign language can challenge your brain and give it more activity than usual. Our brain is fully charged with daily activities such as eating, talking, thinking and so on, but leaning a new language can help your brain explore other things. Have you heard people saying about foreign languages "if you don't use it you lose it"? A foreign language requires your brain to maintain its vocabulary activity, and the more you use it, the easier will be for you to express yourself without having to translate in your head. Now, remember what I said on my first blog, if you speak more than one language you are worth more. It is true, you are more valuable and others might see you as a smarter person; anyone can learn a new language, you just need to try and find a fun way to learn it.
If you are interested check out Polyglot and find out how you can start learning a new language. It doesn't matter where you live, polyglot has members all around the world and you might be able to find a friend near you. When travelling around the world, a second language can be useful, and you can surprise people by asking directions, and ordering in a foreign language (obviously the language of the country you are in, if you know it), and yes you can learn, we are never to old to to young to learn a new language, if you were looking for a challenge for this year... here you have it "Learn a new language"!

*Here is one of the videos of the advertisement of "Arreter de massacrer l'anglais", for those who haven't seen it.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Versailles and its art

The Versailles Castle in France is one of the most beautiful royal monuments of France. This castle was the home for several kings like Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI and today when we think of France, we think of the Eiffel Tour and Versailles (the monarchy). The art we find in this castle represents well the time of the monarchy, and their lifestyle. Among the types of style we find the Classic style and Baroque style, and some imitation of the Greek mythology. We don't think of modern art because Versailles itself represent history thanks the antique architecture.
I had the opportunity to visit Versailles on Fri, Dec 19, 2008 and to my surprise several things have changed. I was glad to see how beautiful it look from the outside. As I entered I saw a extra room that was built to check-in. An extra service is also offered, they take your extra bags (if you are bringing you own good), and baby strollers, etc. I liked it because I had brought food and my bag was heavy and this way I had the opportunity to enjoy the visit without the extra weight. Once inside the castle I discovered Jeff Koons' art. I had no idea who this person was and yes I asked to the tourist guide about this artist and they gave me a pamphlet with his biography. The art exposed inside the castle had no relation with Versailles antiquity. The audio guide I had explained the relations between modern and classic art... I just couldn't believe it!
Among Koons' art exhibitions I saw a giant balloon dog (in metal), Michael Jackson and bubbles the monkey along with the pink panther. I ask, how is this relevant to Versailles art?. Michael Jackson in Versailles, who's idea was to exhibit this? I'm not denying the beauty of Jeff Koons' art, but the Versailles Castle was not the right place for it.
Two days earlier, while visiting the Louvre I've seen a group of people protesting about culture and how french people shouldn't forget about it. I didn't understand what was going on, but after seeing the art of Versailles I see why french people might be worried about their culture (culture is history). Jeff Koons is an American artist born in 1955, way after Louis XIV, Louis XV and even Louis XVI. Some of his work has been shown in Rockefeller Center and he also contributed a balloon flower shown at the 7 World Trade Center in New York City. He's a well known artist with great talent that has achieved a lot, but come on now, just because he is talented,he had to present his art in Versailles?. I don't agree with the decision made, and I find scandalous to see his art in a place like Versailles. We have to preserve culture in general and not disrespect it by comparing to modern art... I don't care how talented or well known the artist might be!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Engagements and diamond rings

Have you thought of the perfect marriage proposal? This is a very important step therefore for some people the proposal must be perfect. What perfect means? Well for some it means a romantic dinner and/or a trip with a diamond ring. Now, the question is, what do we know about diamond rings? Diamonds are gorgeous, but behind this beautiful jewel it hides violence and corruption. The truth is that in almost all markets we can find corruption and the diamond industry is not an exception. Countries like Sierra Leona, Angola and Congo are known for their black markets and abuse to mine workers. Workers rights are not respected and they earn little money for these beautiful gems, while we are paying exorbitant prices for it. Where does the money goes? The big companies that sell it, and this money is also often use to buy the government to look the other way (see movie Blood Diamond). When buying a diamond ring we must be careful, buying a certificated diamond might be helpful because it assures us that this gems hasn't been stolen. Conflict-free and free-trade diamonds are also an option but they are normally more expensive.
Now that we know a little more about diamonds, girls, do we really want a diamond ring? Nowadays diamonds are common and I certainly wouldn't want an ordinary gem. I think that over the years the big diamond industries have done a great job making us believe that our love can be represented by a diamond. The slogan "a diamond is forever" created by DeBeers on 1947, has become so popular that we even believe that if a diamond is forever so will be our love. I don't want to change people's ideas, but I do want us to think for a bit, I am not trying to kill romanticism, but that's the truth. Every woman is special and we deserve something special and I just don't believe diamonds are that rare anymore. I was reading "Miss Penguin" blog and story about diamonds and it was then I thought for us (women) an engagement can only be represented by a ring. After reading "Miss Penguin" story I thought of a friend of mine and her ideas about proposals; a 'perfect' proposal is when the boy goes down on his knee and asks the question by popping up a diamond ring.
I did some research on the 'perfect proposal' and you can find many ideas on how to tell that special someone how special she or he is, some are casual and other ones are just charming. Now I have some questions for you, how would you like your partner to propose to you? How about just a trip with no ring or how about some other jewel, like a bracelet or a necklace? Instead of diamonds why not pearls or some other gemstone. If you were to change the diamond ring for another precious stone, what would it be?