Sunday, September 28, 2008

Presidential Debate - 09/26/08

On Friday’s presidential debate the main focus seemed to be international affairs. I must admit that the condition in Iraq is important and we must know what our next president would do, but isn’t the economical situation even more important? Candidate Obama appears to be concerned and interested in improving our situation, which I personally like. I think the US has changed…we can barely afford living and sending our kids to school. We don’t see America as the country of dreams, but of nightmares.

Going back to the international issues, our international image had degraded over the past years and republicans pretend to care. I believe the war in Iraq hasn’t got any better and we are losing more and more soldiers in a lost cause. It’s time for us to understand that we can’t safe the whole world. We have lost plenty already and those soldiers that have come back don’t even count with the government’s aid to heal their wounds. I agreed with Obama, the war hasn’t been quick or easy. McCain however thinks that we are somehow winning because of some sort of strategy, he even accuses Obama by saying: “Sen. Obama refuses to acknowledge that we are winning in Iraq”.

Overall I believe Obama did better than McCain. I have to admit that McCain is stronger in International subjects…however that isn’t enough. Americans need a president willing to make changes in the health care system, in education, and it seems like Obama is eager to do some changes. For now what we must do is wait…it isn’t over yet, next week we have the vice presidential debate.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

During a job interview

So the past couple of weeks I've had several job interviews. I won't say I'm an expert now, but I can say I have learned quite a few things. As candidates, we all try to prepare ourselves; it’s important we do so because first impressions count and because we want the job. The only problematic of it is that sometimes you prepare so well but the interview doesn't go the way you expected. So last week when I walked in to the office I was nervous, but I knew what I had to say, however the interviewer didn't. This wasn't the only problem; during the entire interview the recruiter showed strange recruiting techniques (if we can call it like that). She/He was very pessimistic about the fact I live thirty minutes away from the company. She/He also said I had a good resume, but because of my international experience she/he thought maybe I wouldn't like the position. She/He also said: "well maybe because you are American, writing in French might not come easy"... after having said I was competent for the job because I have worked in French company. When the interview was done I figured well I guess they are not going to call me back, for my surprise the very same day, more like an hour later, they called me for a second interview with head of the company. On the phone I was told the position was waiting for me, but they just wanted to introduce me to the director. I personally thought that after all I was a good candidate... but is it true? No!
- They needed a candidate right away, it didn't matter whether I had the profile or not.
- It did not matter if I live thirty minutes away.
- The problem was my nationality, but even though I might not be able to write in French... I was interested in the offer and they were willing to give me the job.
- They did not care about the fact I wasn't available that day for the second interview, they needed to see me and I had to make it a priority.
I consider myself a powerful candidate and although after the interview I didn't feel like I was, after all the events that took place the following day made me think I need to work for a company that values my qualities and appreciates what I can offer.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Successful Resume

Have you ever wonder if your resume is "the perfect resume"? Want to find out?Ask your interviewers. I had quite a few interviews and when they said: "Do you have any questions?", I asked "What did you like about my candidature?". The first thing they pointed out was my resume. Thanks to Henri Kaufman, who advice me that the successful resume should have the logos of the company I've worked for. Why? Because those logos represent who you are, and you are those logos. Recruiters will remember you and your resume because you are giving a "brand", your professional experience are those logos. You must remember that your resume isn't the only thing you are working on... your cover letter also plays an important role. However if you do not think your cover letter is a high-quality one, work on your resume. Your resume will tell others why you are qualify for the position. In my experience, I could say that have worked, Sandra(*), the recruiter, knew who I was because of my "brand", I didn't have to say my name (I also added my photo to my resume). She had linked my logos to my face and she knew me... this shows how logos (symbol, insignia, badge) make your resume a remarkable one.

(*)Names have been changed for privacy.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Job Fairs

I recently discover the beauty of job fairs, here in France. I have to admit I had no idea how that worked, but I founded interesting because you are giving the opportunity to have a direct contact with recruiters. While looking for a job you must read the description, apply, send your resume and write a cover letter stating the reasons why you want to work for them. I consider that a little impersonal; I understand that today's society is very technology friendly and Internet has become "the way to communicate". However I think that job fairs open the door to a strong contact with recruiters (or even the company itself). Job fairs allow you to ask questions you couldn't ask otherwise, its true once you are giving an interview you have that possibility, but it is not the same. A cover letter can't really speak about you, you write your intentions and desires, but it doesn't make justice to your personality and you as a person. Once again I think job fairs do this, not only you can talk to recruiters, but you can accelerate the process of an interview. If a resume with a cover letter is send via Internet, you must wait two to three weeks to have a response (not necessarily an interview) about your profile. I sent several resumes and emails were sent stating that my candidature was going to be revised and if I had the profile, I would receive a call. After my visit to the "Salon Relation Client" I went home with several dates for job interviews, isn't that great? My resume was reviewed right away and I was offer positions and that's all you need after all the work done. Job search is not an easy task, it's a long and painful process.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ecuador y sus embajadas en el extranjero

Los consulados y las embajadas en el extranjero estan para ayudar y proveer informacion necesaria a sus compatriotas al exterior. Sin embargo el consulado y embajada ecuatorianos en Francia no cumplen esa funcion, aparentemente, si usted y su famillia necesitan un documento o cualquier otro tipo de ayuda, debe regresar al Ecuador para obtener lo(la). Verdaderamente esto es una desilución porque como ecuatorianos fijamos nuestras esperanzas en entidades como estas en el extranjero. Un ejemplo de esto es la famosa apostilla, que sirve para dar valor (o legalizar) a un documento ecuatoriano al extranjero; asi que este documento pierde su validez sin la apostilla. Mi experiencia fue la siguiente, hace un mes visite el Consulado Ecuatoriano en Paris, FR y para mi sorpresa, segun la Sra. Falcones, el consulado no puede otorgar apostillas, y yo debia regresar al Ecuador para obtenerla. Me pareció algo estupido saber que el consulado que está aqui para representar a los ecuatorianos fuese impacaz de dar una apostilla (para una partida de nacimiento). No fue tan solo el hecho que no proveen la apostilla, pero el servicio, la Sra. Falcones fue irrespetuosa, malcriada y su profesionalismo estaba por los pies... vergüenza da de ver que ese tipo de personas trabajan al extranjero. Despues de horas de espera y de mi insistencia de ver al consul, lo cual logré, sali del consulado con la "famosa apostilla". Ella se comporto como si ella estaba encima del consul en frente de él y fue luego que el explico su situacion que nos permitio pagar por la apostilla (precio que ella trato de subir y que el consul le dijo que ella estaba equivocada). Pienso que personas como ella deben quedarse en el Ecuador por que da pena de ver que los representantes del Ecuador lo hacen quedar mal al extranjero, y es por ello que los extranjeros no nos consideran como un país desarrollado.